Youth Work Lab

Youth Work Lab

This is our LAST LAST LAST call for this year! Estamos buscando 3 participantes! NOMBRE DEL PROYECTO: «Youth Work Lab: using digital youth work and virtual reality in daily work of a youth center” TIPO DEL PROYECTO: Curso de formación FECHAS: del 28 de NOVIEMBRE al 7...
20th University on Youth and Development

20th University on Youth and Development

20th University on Youth and Development! We don´t stop!  Ha sido un placer participar en el 20 aniversario de la Universidad de Juventud y Desarrollo (UYD) acogida por el Centro Eurolatinoamericano de Juventud. Durante una semana más de 200 participantes de 50...
European Youth Mobility Academy

European Youth Mobility Academy

For some Monday means a new beginning, for the participants in «European Youth Mobility Academy» it was an end…  /  From 9th till 16th of September the training course «European Youth Mobility Academy» brought together 33 participants from more than 8...
Our EU, our future

Our EU, our future

🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸CALL FOR SPANISH PARTICIPANTS! 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸 Estamos buscando participantes (18 – 30 años + 1 líder del grupo sin límite de edad) para un intercambio juvenil en ATHENS, GRECIA! 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷 Name of the project: Our EU, our future Dates: 22/11/2019 – 30/11/2019...
European Citizenship Education

European Citizenship Education

Only a few days ago our participants came back from the beautiful region of Timisoara, Romania They took part in the youth exchange «European Citizenship Education» – organized by our partners Centrul pentru Strategii de Dezvoltare a Tineretului Our Spanish team...
Empathy for Better Future

Empathy for Better Future

The Bulgarians were brief but creative…Thank you for the nice collage! From 13th to 20th of May 2019, the Youth exchange «Empathy for Better Future» was held in Alicante, Spain. In the project participated 30 young people from Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy, Spain,...
Empathy for Better Future

Empathy for Better Future

Here comes the post for the youth exchange «Empathy for Better Future» from our youngest group – The Portuguese…  🇵🇹 On the 13th the 5 of us were departing from Setúbal, heading to Alicante. Waiting for us, there was this bunch of energizers, teambuilding...
Empathy for Better Future

Empathy for Better Future

What do the Romanian participants say about «Empathy for Better Future»? Just scroll down…  🇷🇴 Have you ever thought about participating in a project that involves self-development and discovering different people and their cultures? That’s what we did...
Empathy for Better Future

Empathy for Better Future

Our youth exchange «Empathy for Better Future» came to its end exactly two weeks ago… This time we decided to share with you how our participants lived the experience  We start with the Italians  🇮🇹 SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ITALIAN VERSION Such an intense week has...