One of them was the youth exchange «Solid-Art-Ity» funded by the Erasmus+ programme. We sent 5 participants to sunny Antalya, Turkey and only a few days ago they came back to….sunny Spain
Our partner in this project was TUNA Gençlik Derneği / Danube Youth Association @tunagenclikdernegi
This is what one of the participants (Elena) decided to share with us:
«Associació Cultura Creativa has once again completed one of its projects, this time in the fantastic city of Antalya, Turkey. The Spanish group consisted of Irene Soria, Daniel González, Alejandro Marín, Jeny MaJara and Elena Rico.
During this week we have been dedicated to activities related to the Balkan conflict, in which each country has exposed a different vision that could help to understand the reality of this conflict as a whole since mainly the project was composed of Balkan countries.
At the same time, there were artistic activities in which we were involved: photography (capturing each emotion), singing (each country created its own lyrics to later create a unique harmony that would unite us to all together), etc.
It has been a very beautiful experience in which a new culture has been known from inside.
Now we are at home and it is hard to adapt to the routine, but we are very happy for the friendships we have achieved. An unforgettable experience!»
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